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Getting the Results You’re Looking For

Getting the Results You’re Looking For

After I introduce a business to the EOS Model and what it can bring to their organization through the complimentary virtual 90-Minute Meeting, many recognize the value it can bring them, but want to try and implement it themselves. I wish they...

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What If You Could Find MORE Time?

What If You Could Find MORE Time?

Giving You Back Time Reflect on where you’ve spent your time this past week.  How much time was spent in meetings trying to solve your current issues or in follow-up discussions or stories being told around those same issues? What if I told you all...

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There’s Never a “Right” Time

There’s Never a “Right” Time

When I’m talking to new potential clients who are considering implementing EOS into their business strategy, some of the most common concerns I hear from them is: I don’t know if now is the right time. We’re too busy right now. Maybe next quarter. ...

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Make the Right Choices Now, Not Later

Make the Right Choices Now, Not Later

This month, I want to address the most common questions and concerns EOS Implementers hear from potential clients when they’re considering whether EOS is the right fit for them. Since each EOS Implementer and every business leader are unique, these...

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Quantifying The Cost of a Wrong Person. Part 4 of 4

Quantifying The Cost of a Wrong Person. Part 4 of 4

If your business has even one wrong person on the team, not only will it detract from your other employees but it will disrupt productivity and negatively impact company growth.  They are slowly killing your business from the inside. Doing The...

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Wrong Person, Right Seat. What to Do? Part 3 of 4

Wrong Person, Right Seat. What to Do? Part 3 of 4

This month, I have been sharing the importance of having the right person for every seat in your organization. Why? Because your people are one of the most important investments your company makes. Invest wisely. Going from Good to Great Think...

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Can You Relate: Right Person, Wrong Seat? Part 2

Can You Relate: Right Person, Wrong Seat? Part 2

I’m excited to share this story with you as part 2 of our People Series. Can you relate to having a great person that left the company and you had no idea why? Well, you’re not alone. This client was absolutely perplexed when a great employee left....

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This holiday weekend, make time for yourself a priority.

This holiday weekend, make time for yourself a priority.

TGIF and happy 4th of July weekend! Make sure you enjoy the holiday and take time for yourself the next couple of days. You work hard, and you certainly need and deserve to carve out time for your personal life. Work isn’t going anywhere. We often...

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Chaos Does Not Have to Create Uncertainty

Chaos Does Not Have to Create Uncertainty

Last week I talked about a mid-year check-in and how you’re doing on your business goals for the year. External changes outside of your control, like COVID’s impact, can make everything feel like chaos. That we’re simply trying to “hang on”.  But...

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Recurring Issues? Fix Them for Good!

Recurring Issues? Fix Them for Good!

Why reinvent the wheel?  Does that question ring a bell? I’m sure it does for you as much as it does for many business leaders I work with every day. Think about how many times you’ve explained a process to someone or answered a question over and...

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Adapt. Change. Adjust. Pivot. What it Means For Your Business

Adapt. Change. Adjust. Pivot. What it Means For Your Business

How many times have you heard the term “Pivot” lately?  It seems like everyone’s businesses are pivoting based on what we see and hear in the news. SO many people have been asking me “what does it mean to pivot?” First, let’s talk about what means....

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How Do You Know When You Get “There”?

How Do You Know When You Get “There”?

“If you don’t know where you’re going, you might wind up somewhere else.” This is one quote from Yogi Berra that I use often. I find it helps people visualize why it’s important to have all company leaders on the same page and using the same...

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Schedule a free introductory call to learn more about EOS and business coaching:

Barb Reimbold
Grand Rapids, MI
(616) 914-4417

Contact me to schedule a free introductory call to learn more about my approach as an EOS Implementor.