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Give Yourself the Gift of Clarity and Rest

Give Yourself the Gift of Clarity and Rest

What is a Clarity Break? Picture a jar with sand and water. When we shake the jar, it becomes cloudy, making it impossible for us to see how much sand versus water, or even see through it at all. But, when we set the jar down and let it rest, the...

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Leave Your Work at Work this Holiday Season

Leave Your Work at Work this Holiday Season

The Key to Happy Holidays for Your Company With the holiday season coming up fast, do you find you’re asking yourself how you’re ever going to get caught up at work for the holidays? When you’re a business owner or leader, you are often torn...

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Identify & Clarify Your 3 Uniques

Identify & Clarify Your 3 Uniques

As a Professional EOS Implementer, not only do I help others implement the Entrepreneurial Operating System—I also run my own business, and life, on it as well! It’s one of the things that makes me unique and why my clients want to work with me. In...

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EOS & Family-Owned Businesses

EOS & Family-Owned Businesses

October is National Work and Family Month, which encourages businesses to create a healthy, balanced organization. It is already stressful enough to find that balance when it comes to managing a business and a family, but how do you find that...

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Getting Everyone on the Same Page

Getting Everyone on the Same Page

What do you think of when I say the word ‘keyboard’? Do you see a grand piano? Or a small computer keyboard? What else? Such a simple word, yet it has so many different variations and meanings. The same is true for your business. Does everyone on...

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Issues Aren’t Always a Bad Thing

Issues Aren’t Always a Bad Thing

I get it. The name makes you think that “issues” are always going to be a bad thing. They are the thorn in your side. The problems and challenges that get in the way of your business succeeding. You think that issues are something to be avoided at...

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Stop Going in Circles: How to Move Your Business Forward

Stop Going in Circles: How to Move Your Business Forward

Do you ever feel like you’re going in circles? Like the same issues keep popping up over and over again, no matter how many times you think you solved them? It feels like nothing in your business is changing and you haven’t moved any closer to...

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The Visionary & Integrator: Your Business Co-Pilots

The Visionary & Integrator: Your Business Co-Pilots

Every pilot needs a co-pilot. Someone they can trust to handle issues when they arise and are there to help make sure their journey goes smoothly. The same is true when it comes to running a business. Even the best business owners typically can’t...

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Finding Your Meeting Pulse

Finding Your Meeting Pulse

The problem with most meetings? They are inefficient. However, you can’t have a successful business without meetings. If you think meetings are a total waste of time, it might have more to do with the way you hold your meetings than the meetings...

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How to Manage Your Business When You Grow Too Fast

How to Manage Your Business When You Grow Too Fast

In a post-covid world, many of the businesses that adapted and survived are now starting to thrive as restrictions lift and the world opens back up again. People are coming out and spending more. But while revenue might be up, how is your back of...

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Progress Over Perfection

Progress Over Perfection

How often have you spent way too much time trying to get something juuust right? Often in our quest for perfection as leaders, we are actually holding ourselves and our business back from growing. There’s nothing wrong with wanting things to be...

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Is Your Organization Living By Your Core Values?

Is Your Organization Living By Your Core Values?

We all have a set of values that help to define who we really are, and that’s what drives our decision-making, whether we know it or not. Think about what it feels like when we don’t have rules for our kids? The #1 answer I get when I ask this is:...

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The 5 Abilities You Need as a Leader to Grow

The 5 Abilities You Need as a Leader to Grow

Have you ever felt stuck in your business? Like there is something stopping you from growing past a certain point? This doesn’t just mean growing your revenue or people, it might be that you’re stuck internally, with things not working how you want...

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Why Leaders Have a Hard Time Letting Go

Why Leaders Have a Hard Time Letting Go

When you first started your business, you were probably a one-man show. You had the capacity to not only be the business owner and do what you love but to also do everything else your business needed—from marketing and sales to operations and human...

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Schedule a free introductory call to learn more about EOS and business coaching:

Barb Reimbold
Grand Rapids, MI
(616) 914-4417

Contact me to schedule a free introductory call to learn more about my approach as an EOS Implementor.