Resources & Blog Articles 

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Make a Plan for a Healthier Business

Make a Plan for a Healthier Business

Maybe you’ve been feeling the strain on your business lately, and it feels as though all of your mental energy is focused on just surviving. This might be true because of the world events that plunged all of us into uncharted territory, or it may...

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How to Get to the Root of Any Issue

How to Get to the Root of Any Issue

How do you deal with workplace conflict? Do you sweep it under the rug? Openly discuss it? 1.  How to Make a Good Team Great. One of the toughest obstacles for a leadership team of a company to overcome is “vulnerability-based trust” where it’s...

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Want To Experience IDS?

Want To Experience IDS?

Helping local Entrepreneurs is what EOS Implementers are passionate about. Myself and several other EOS Implementers have banded together to help YOU solve the most pressing issues in your business. We're hosting a series of free, public virtual...

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Don’t Make This Mistake

Don’t Make This Mistake

Someone asked me recently “what’s one mistake you see business owners making all the time, and how can we avoid it?” It wasn’t hard to come up with an answer because I’m guilty of doing this myself. The mistake? Trying to do EVERYTHING yourself....

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Could Rest Be the Secret to Success?

Could Rest Be the Secret to Success?

We all want balance in our lives - mental white space to think and be creative. But busyness is entrenched in our culture and (for most of us) in every day of our lives. While constant busyness and packed calendars seem to be taken as markers of...

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Wrap Up Q1 With a Plan For Success

Wrap Up Q1 With a Plan For Success

Have you taken advantage of your free Organizational Checkup yet? As Q1 wraps up, it’s the perfect time to get a pulse on your business and a clear plan for gaining traction during the remaining 3 quarters of 2020. The Organizational Checkup takes...

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Here to Help

We’re all adjusting to new ways of working during COVID times. I’ve converted to virtual client sessions. Here's what my new setup looks like: My conversations with clients have adjusted from growth to managing all the curve balls these uncertain...

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How to Maximize Your Focus Like Warren Buffett

How to Maximize Your Focus Like Warren Buffett

  Trying to accomplish too many important things often means we don’t accomplish anything important at all. When working through EOS with a client, we implement multiple tools to help avoid this scenario like keeping an issues list and setting...

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How to Trade Burnout For Harmony

How to Trade Burnout For Harmony

Issues will always pop up unexpectedly at work. More meetings will always try to cram their way onto your calendar. Driving yourself steadily toward burnout will always be an option. But with the right tools, harmony and breathing room in your work...

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Get a Pulse On Your Business Right Now

Get a Pulse On Your Business Right Now

  How strong is your company? Without a clear picture of your organization’s strength, it’s impossible to gain traction. I’ve launched a new (free) resource on my website that will give you a clear snapshot of where your company is today so...

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For Leaders That Feel They Are Too Busy…

For Leaders That Feel They Are Too Busy…

I’ll be honest with you, one of the biggest objections I get about starting the EOS process is “I’m just too busy to add one more thing.” If you’ve considered EOS for your organization, maybe you’ve thought the same thing. But consider this: what...

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Visionary vs. Integrator

Visionary vs. Integrator

  Which are you: a Visionary or an Integrator? These two types of leaders are present in most entrepreneurial organizations, and both play a crucial role in the company’s growth. Visionaries tend to be great at things like coming up with...

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A Better Way to Track Your Company’s Performance

A Better Way to Track Your Company’s Performance

Most companies use a dashboard that shows performance indicators such as how many deals are in your pipeline or how much cash you have. Dashboards - and the data they track - are important. But they have one big downfall: once you see this data...

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Schedule a free introductory call to learn more about EOS and business coaching:

Barb Reimbold
Grand Rapids, MI
(616) 914-4417

Contact me to schedule a free introductory call to learn more about my approach as an EOS Implementor.