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Celebrate Your Wins: No Matter How Small

Celebrate Your Wins: No Matter How Small

Celebrating big wins for your business is common - huge new clients, a great sale, etc., but how often do you celebrate the little wins? Often, the big wins happen thanks to a bunch of smaller wins that don’t get any fanfare or acknowledgment at...

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What To Do About To-Dos

What To Do About To-Dos

Do you have a to-do list? If so, how often do you get everything crossed off your list? As a business owner or leader, it’s likely your list gets longer, rather than shorter, as the week goes on. If you’re struggling with timelines and...

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Want Better Retention? Run on EOS.

Want Better Retention? Run on EOS.

At the end of every session, I ask my clients to share an “a-ha” moment from the day. One of my clients responded with, “Resolving ‘Right People Right Seats’ (or RPRS) solved a lot of issues and eased a lot of pain.”  As an EOS implementer, I’ve...

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Keeping Circles Connected – But Not Over Connected

Keeping Circles Connected – But Not Over Connected

Meetings are meant to be productive, solve issues, and keep the team connected between all levels of the company. However, finding the right meeting pulse can be tricky. Too many meetings can stand in the way of productivity – people can’t get...

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Business Leader Blind Spots

Business Leader Blind Spots

Do you feel like the same issues in your business keep coming up, no matter what solution you try? Or maybe you feel like you’re just trying to stay ahead of problem after problem, never having the opportunity to work on your business as a whole? ...

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Protecting Your Team Against Toxic People

Protecting Your Team Against Toxic People

Picture this: You have a new bag of oranges. You go away for a weekend, leaving them on the table. What you didn’t know was that one of those oranges in the bag was moldy. When you return home after a few days, you’ll find that all the oranges that...

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Invest in Your Future. Invest in Yourself.

Invest in Your Future. Invest in Yourself.

The Lumberjack Story Have you heard Steven Covey’s Lumberjack story? It’s about two lumberjacks, one young and strong and one old and experienced. They’re competing to see who can cut down the most trees in 8 hours, and the young and strong one is...

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Can EOS Help My Industry?

Can EOS Help My Industry?

Can EOS Help My Industry? What makes a community special is the different things that each member brings to each other. Every industry is unique and special, and with all the different businesses and industries out there, you might be thinking –...

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Deep Dive into Focus Day

Deep Dive into Focus Day

What could you do with your business if in just one day, you: Learned the 5 leadership abilities you need to master to break through any ceiling you hit Got your leadership team 100% crystal clear on what they were accountable for and 100% aligned...

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You Don’t Have to be in Pain to Start EOS

You Don’t Have to be in Pain to Start EOS

Believe it or not, we have just finished the first quarter of 2022! As you look back over the last quarter, are you finding that you are 25% of the way towards your 1 year goals? If you are falling behind or struggling – or even if you reached your...

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Why Work With an EOS Implementer?

Why Work With an EOS Implementer?

Throughout my years as an implementer, I have encountered numerous companies that choose to self-implement EOS, and trust me, I get it. After reading Traction, it’s easy to feel like you have everything you need to successfully implement EOS on...

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Certified vs. Professional – What does it mean?

Certified vs. Professional – What does it mean?

If you are reading this, it’s likely you already know what I do - Professional EOS Implementer. However, did you know that there are different tiers of EOS Implementers, based on experience and training? I am thrilled to announce that I have...

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It’s Not About the Players. It’s About the Team.

It’s Not About the Players. It’s About the Team.

Like many of my fellow Detroit Lions fans, I am still celebrating Matthew Stafford’s latest Superbowl victory. As an EOS Implementer, I couldn’t help but notice that their victory was a nation-wide testimony to one of the foundational elements of...

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EOS: Where to Begin?

EOS: Where to Begin?

So you’ve discovered EOS, you love it, and want to do it – but how? Many business leaders will finish reading Traction and come away full of ideas and motivated to begin, but when it comes to actually implementing their ideas, they have no idea how...

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Does Your Business Have Vision?

Does Your Business Have Vision?

As the leader of your business, if I asked you what the Vision for your company was, you could probably give me a pretty good idea. However, if you sat down with your team individually and asked them what your company’s Vision was, would you get...

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Schedule a free introductory call to learn more about EOS and business coaching:

Barb Reimbold
Grand Rapids, MI
(616) 914-4417

Contact me to schedule a free introductory call to learn more about my approach as an EOS Implementor.